Facilities Detail

Home Facilities Detail
Support System
Support System 2
Support System 3
Support System 4
Support System 5

Support System
Support System 2
Support System 3
Support System 4
Support System 5

Support System

  • 1. Modern logistics support with QR Code.

  • 2. Warehouse system following ISO 9001:2015 and SNI ISO 14001:2015.

  • 3. Manufacturing expansion capacity.

  • 4. Equipped with hoists, loading dock and other supporting equipment.

  • 5. Air-conditioned assembly / production area.

  • 6. Expandable office capacity.

  • 7. Expandable warehouse capacity.

  • 8. Quality Control Facilities.

  • 9. ISO and SNI Certified.

  • 10. Organizational Health & Safety (SMK3) Certified.

  • 11. Export and Import License.

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Green Ville Blok BG No. 16-17, Jakarta Barat, 11510, Indonesia


+62 21 566 9230 / 081267885757

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