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3 Years Experience

Award Winning

About Us

PT. Prima Mitrainti Sejati

We Offer Electricity Products & Services

Prima Mitrainti Sejati was founded in 2001, is a domestic investment company engaged in the electricity sector. PT. Prima Mitrainti Sejati is a subsidiary of the Prima Group.
Prima Group is a holding company engaged in telecommunications and electricity which was established in 1990.
In its journey, PT. Prima Mitrainti Sejati changed from a trading company that imported and installed electrical equipment into a fabrication company that produced electrical goods and their controls.
Our human resources are workers who are competent in their fields, have received training both from outside and within the country and have expertise certificates.
As a company that has ISO 9001-2015 standards, our company is committed to providing quality products, being responsible for quality, providing guarantees and good after-sales service. This is supported by an experienced and reliable service team, as well as adequate service equipment.
Our company is also committed to carrying out the production of goods without producing waste that is detrimental to the environment, according to environmental ISO no. 14001-2015. In its operations, our company upholds and prioritizes occupational safety and health, to produce quality goods in accordance with the SMK3 certification we have.
PT. Prima Mitrainti Sejati cooperates with companies from abroad, which provide training and transfer of technology so that we can produce products that are up to date in the industry.
Our products have the latest SPLN certification, as well as IEC standards that have been tested in both domestic and foreign laboratories.
We are committed to producing the best products and supporting electricity services in Indonesia.

Our Vision:
To become the best multinational company in Indonesia that produces quality, reliable, quality electrical equipment that meets IEC and SPLN standards, at competitive prices, and provides satisfying customer service.

Our Mission:
• Has a major role in supporting electricity technology in Indonesia and its development.
• Running an electricity business and related fields, which is oriented towards customer satisfaction.
• Participate and be active in the national development acceleration program, especially in the electricity sector and related fields, through collaboration with key consumers and partners.
• Developing the Indonesian Electrical Equipment Industry as a professional and up-to-date multinational company in management and technology.
• Uphold occupational health and safety, as well as operations that are free from environmental pollution.

Our Certificates

Our Certificates National and International

Sertifikat ISO 9001-2015


Sertifikat ISO 14001-2015




Sertifikat ISO 45001:2018


Sertifikat ISO 14001:2015


Get In Touch

Green Ville Blok BG No. 16-17, Jakarta Barat, 11510, Indonesia


+62 21 566 9230

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